Junior High San Jeronimo
Green Hills School Secondary/Junior High keeps on the English bicultural model. French starts being part of our educational model in 1st grade secondary. All students take the FCE exam (FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH) with the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE in 3o. grade ending their junior high studies. French examinations are taken with the ALIANZA FRANCESA (DELF).
Green Hills Secondary offers containment, supervision, and close follow-up. There are homeroom teachers in each grade to accompany all students in all their personal and academic processes finding solutions to all challenges they may face.
The academic project is enhanced with different cultural field trips and diverse learning experiences as our GREEN HILLS SCHOOL MODEL OF UNITED NATIONS, JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE, AND FRENCH CINEMA EXHIBITION.
Our students are cheerful young women and men. We keep on reinforcing their working habits as well as their harmonious social coexistence. Our students’ behavior is guided following our school’s COEXISTENCE CODE and the continuous Psychopedagogy’s follow up.
Our Psychopedagogy Department is specialized in all students’ development stages to prevent, to accompany, and to solve with parents and students the challenges they face. To be able to do this, they carry out individual and group approaches, teachers’ assessments to keep the bond with students, as well as prevention campaigns, and specialized interventions.