High School San Jeronimo
Green Hills High School offers containment, supervision, and discipline. There are homeroom teachers in each grade to reinforce the accompaniment and support to students in all processes, and in the resolution of all the challenges they face.
The academic project is enhanced with different cultural field trips and an elective intercultural trip to France, studying at the Cavilam-Alliance Francaise.
Our students participate in amazing learning experiences such as:
- Green Hills School Model of United Nations
- Journée Internationale de la Francophonie
- French Cinema Exhibition
- Internal Speech Contest
- Shakespeare Competition with The Anglo Arts Foundation
- Young Writers Awards with Bennington College
- Business Project (Students open Restaurants as in Real Life)
Our high school students are candidates to “excellence” or full scholarships as well as different percentages discounts in different universities. Our students also have a “direct pass” to certain colleges according to their final averages.
High School students are joyful and sensitive young women and men. We continue reinforcing working habits as well as harmonious social coexistence. Our students’ behavior is guided following our school’s COEXISTENCE CODE and the continuous Psychopedagogy’s follow up.
Our Psychopedagogy Department is specialized in all students’ development stages to prevent, to accompany, and to solve with parents and students the challenges they face. To be able to do this, they carry out individual and group approaches, teachers’ assessments to keep the bond with students, as well as prevention campaigns and specialized interventions.

Green Hills School working with EDUALIA MEXICO and RED LEAF Canada, offers our students from Ninth to Twelfth grade, an online program where they could get the DOUBLE HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATION. That means they will graduate from high school in 2 different schools, one at Green Hills School in Mexico with the UNAM, and the second in Canada with Ontary E-School.
RED LEAF working with Ontary E-School offers our students to study from 4 to 6 online subjects additional to our Green Hills School curricular design, and obtain double high school certificates, one from Mexico and the other from Canada. This diploma gives our students immense possibilities to be accepted in Canada’s universities. Our students will interact with Canadian teachers having assessments and support from them.

El programa completo consta de 10 materiales semestrales y se cursa en línea. Los maestros estadounidenses a distancia se encargan de calificaciones, monitoreo y seguimiento.El programa de diploma dual puede cursarse durante la preparatoria, o iniciar desde tercero de secundaria.
Los estudiantes que completan con éxito el programa de doble titulación tienen garantizada su admisión a una de las 15 universidades asociadas en EE.UU

Videos de Proyectos:
- Viaje de prácticas a a Paz, BCS 2019
- Viaje de prácticas a La Paz, Baja California Sur 2018
- Viaje de prácticas a Cuetzálan, Puebla
- Viaje de prácticas a Las Estacas, Morelos 2019
- Viaje de prácticas a Las Estacas, Morelos 2018
- Proyecto de Domótica 21-22 virtual-presencial
- Proyecto de Domótica 20-21 virtual
- Proyecto de Domótica y control por smartphone
- Proyecto ganador del concurso interno de programación 19-20
- Proyecto ganador del concurso interno de Programación 18-19
- Fragmento de la Obra de Teatro "Les Misérables"